Marcos: Asians decide for Asia

BANGKOK, Thailand — In an apparent reference to superpowers exerting their geopolitical influence, President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos said, “It should be us in Asia who decide the future of Asia.”

The President unveiled his diplomatic policy as he concluded his trip in Thailand for the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Summit 2022.

“And it is how it should be. It is us in ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations), it is us in Asia who should decide. Australia is included because they really consider themselves part of Asia,”
Marcos said in a press briefing when asked about his view on China Foreign Ministry’s stating that Beijing and Manila must reject acts of bullying in the region.

The ministry made the statement following the first bilateral meeting between Chinese President Xi Jinping and Marcos — who articulated their respective positions on the decades-long dispute over the swaths of the South China Sea during the meeting.

Marcos said the Chinese government might not actually mean the term bullying in its statement.

“Well, I suppose maybe the term bullying is not exactly accurate, but I would characterize it as something different. We should make sure that we in the region are the ones who will decide the future of the region,” he said.

“It should be us in Asia who decides the future of Asia, the Asia-Pacific region, the Indo-Pacific region,” Marcos indicated.

During his four-day trip in Bangkok, Marcos attended several summits and met several world leaders to discuss the most pressing issues in Asia Pacific, including the West Philippine Sea.

French tapped for nuke

France, a leading developer of nuclear energy, may become the country’s partner for its foray into the use of the fuel which the Philippines should have started in the 1980s ahead of other Asian neighbors if not for the 1986 revolt that installed former President Cory Aquino.

Aquino ordered the Bataan Nuclear Power Plant project shelved also as she gave in to supporters who falsely claimed that nuclear energy poses danger to the communities, particularly in the aftermath of the Chernobyl disaster in February of that year.

President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos held a bilateral meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron on Friday which he described as “very extensive and quite productive.”

“I had a very extensive and quite productive meeting with President Macron of France and of course, we discussed some of the regional issues that are impacting upon the economy,” President Marcos said after the meeting.

The Chief Executive engaged Macron on energy as Marcos said France is a leading proponent of nuclear energy and has an extensive experience on the use of the technology.

“I’m very confident that it will be a strong partnership simply because they have up to 67 percent of their power production is from nuclear energy so they are very, very used to it,” Marcos indicated.

In February 2022, France announced plans to build six new reactors and to consider building a further eight.

France is now the world’s largest net exporter of electricity due to its very low cost of generation.

The country has been very active in developing nuclear technology. Reactors and especially fuel products and services have been a significant export.

The President said he and Macron essentially focused on three major items: agriculture, energy and defense.

Agriculture was a topic since the Philippines seeks to get assistance from other countries or entities based on their experiences, Marcos stressed.

Defense was also discussed based on the interconnectivity not only in the global economy but even political structures around the world that France would be involving itself in defense issues in the region.

“So these are areas that… the three basic areas that considered that partnerships could be explored. He was also kind enough to invite me to visit France when the time comes,” Marcos added.

Marcos said he accepted the leader’s invitation.

Marcos has been drumming up support for the improvement of the welfare of Filipinos living abroad in his meetings with several world leaders.

On the sidelines of the annual summit, Marcos met New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and Australia Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, who both recognized the contribution of Filipino migrant workers in their respective countries.

During the leaders’ bilateral meeting, Ardern expressed commitment before Marcos to empower and address the needs of Filipino workers in the island country.

Marcos, in response, took note of the Filipino diaspora that flourishes in every part of the world.

“Most people don’t find great opportunities. But that’s what happened, and we go where the work is,” Marcos told Ardern.

“The diaspora has really become a significant part of our culture,” he added.

The two leaders, moreover, expressed commitment to strengthen the two countries’ collaboration on trade and security efforts.

Agriculture to get boost

Both Marcos and Ardern said they are keen on collaborating with Filipino farmers on new innovations in farming to increase sustainability and productivity.

The President also cited the partnership trade between the two countries that have been growing “at a steady pace.”

“Our trade, our connection, has been growing at a steady pace. And we want perhaps after things open up even more and come back to what we all considered to be normal, it would increase. The population of the Philippines is growing, and the continuing need to trade,” Marcos said.

“I think that once again the best solution is just to have strong partnerships. You can have slightly different positions within that — but you are members of a political aggrupation and economic aggrupation, there’s strength in numbers,” he added.

Marcos added the need to improve efforts in achieving peace in the region, saying that “past, present and future consideration of our initiatives.”

“Because it is a multilateral partnership so that’s what I think. Let’s make that very, very strong, and as long as we look after the region, (the) Asia-Pacific, we look after our interest, I really think we could weather the storm and beyond that,” he said.

“We cannot just set aside the effort to make the economy vibrant again,” he added.

The Australian Prime Minister underscored that the relationship between Australia and the Philippines is becoming stronger due to its good people-to-people relations.

Bongbong shines brightest

Among world leaders, it was Marcos who shone the brightest at the high-powered APEC 2022 Summit of global leaders as a savvy international relations chief.

His promotion of the Philippines as an investment hub and advancing its regional interests were a resounding success and the APEC Summit can serve as proof, according to House Speaker Martin Romualdez.

Aside from effectively articulating the country’s position on pressing global issues, he also established cordial relations with fellow state leaders during the APEC side meetings.

“The points the President has raised during the various APEC sessions resonated with other leaders of member economies and attuned with the common objective to revitalize the Asia-Pacific region as the main engine of global economic recovery and growth,” the Leyte solon said on Saturday.

Edjen Oliquino

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